The Latest
Time Capsule Ceremony
The Communications Committee added a unique endeavour to the 100th year celebrations by honouring Regina Beach residents & celebrating their legacy through a commemorative time capsule. Residents, including students at South Shore School were invited to create a submission. We would like...
November Newsletter
The November Community Newsletter is now out and will be hitting your post office box soon. Digital copies are available at Local non-profits can also add their events and activities in this newsletter. Simply email [email protected] with...
Remembrance Day Service 2021
Re: November 11 Remembrance Service 2021 Last year, due to the pandemic and inclement weather, our annual Remembrance Day service was moved indoors with a limited number of participants. The service was then livestreamed onto our branch’s Facebook channel to the public in order to allow them...
Youth & Adult Recreation Programs!
Programs are opening back up & there's lots to do to again to keep active! For more information on programming or to register go to
November Nurse Practitioner
Please call 1-855-766-6399 to book an appointment To view the calendar in PDF format please click...
Regina Beach Library in November
To view in PDF format please click...
Utility Notices have been sent!
Reminder that the 2nd Qtr Utility Billing was an estimate, therefore the read includes April—Sept [6 months] of usage over the minimum. Also, note that higher consumption in the summer months is common & the Septeber bill will reflect that higher usage as well. Please email the Town...
Town Merchandise Now Available for Purchase
Click here for the price list and order form FIRST ORDER DUE NOVEMBER 15 @...
Rec Nights Begin October 27
Rec Nights are Back!! Rec Memberships required to participate. Click here to purchase yours...
5th Avenue Reclamation Project - Beginning October 25th
2021 Capital Improvement Project - 5th Avenue Road Reclamation - 13th Street E to 16th Street E The Town of Regina Beach will be conducting municipal infrastructure improvements on 5th Avenue between 13th Street E and 16th Street E over the upcoming week(s) that will replace the existing...