Council Meetings & Minutes

Regular Meetings of Council

Regular Council Meetings are held the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month
All meetings are open to the public for viewing and are held at the Memorial Hall, 101 Centre Street, beginning at 7:00 p.m. For your convenience meetings are also available for viewing online via Zoom at the following links:

2nd Tuesday of the month @ https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84054795481
4th Tuesday of the month @ https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86051732999

Click HERE for the 2024 Council Meetings Calendar

Public Hearing - September 10, 2024 @ 6:30PM 

Zoom link :https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88547985282 

Agenda is available below by clicking on the "Council Meeting Agendas & Minutes" button.  

 Public Hearing - September 10, 2024 @ 6:45PM 

Zoom link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85839079206

Agenda is available below by clicking on the "Council Meeting Agendas & Minutes" button. 

Council Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Council Meeting Agendas are available to the public no later than 24 hours
preceding a Council meeting.
Council Meeting Minutes will appear on the website once they have been approved by the Town of Regina Beach Council at the subsequent Council meeting.

For the benefit of the public, Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes are available below:


Delegations & Correspondence to Council

If you feel strongly about a public issue or a local concern, the Town of Regina Beach Council encourages you to share your information and thoughts with them. Since many issues can be resolved at the staff level, it is recommended that residents discuss their concerns with the Town Office prior to appearing before Council. Staff can provide you with valuable background information on the issue in question, and/or recommend appropriate next steps that can remove the need to go to Council; or help set the stage for a meaningful and constructive meeting with Council.

Delegations are opportunities for members of the public to make brief presentations to Council or a committee of Council. A person or organization wishing to be heard by Council may address Council as a delegation during the public presentation portion of a meeting. Any person or organization wishing to make a delegation directly to Council are required to submit a Delegation Request Form along with any supporting documentation.

A Delegation Request Form may be submitted online by clicking below:

You may also submit a request by visiting the Town Office or the form can be printed HERE and mailed to: Town of Regina Beach, PO Box 10, Regina Beach, SK  S0G 4C0

A Delegation Request Form must be received by the Town Office no later than seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting which is desired to attend. This gives administration sufficient time to review your request, advise Council and, if necessary conduct background research into the issue or concern. The Town Office will notify you with confirmation of the Council Meeting you are invited to address Council.

Rules for appearing Before Council:

  • There is a maximum of two (2) delegations per meeting;
  • If numerous delegates are attending on the same matter, a spokesperson must be appointed, unless otherwise permitted;
  • Delegations are placed at the beginning of the agenda. When Council is ready to hear the delegation, the Mayor or acting Chair will call the individual(s) forward to address Council;
  • A high level of decorum is expected of delegates in attendance;
  • Rebuttal or cross debate with other delegations are not permitted;
  • Delegations should not exceed more than fifteen (15) minutes, including time to answer any questions put forward by Council;
  • Delegations speaking will be restricted to the subject matter;
  • Any cross communications between Council and delegates will be limited to Council requesting clarification on the matter or requesting additional relevant information;
  • If you wish to leave after you have been heard by Council, please do so in a quiet and orderly manner so as to not interrupt the proceedings;
  • Upon closure of the discussion, any decision items required by or related to a delegation will be scheduled under the New Business portion of the agenda;
  • Council may make a decision, or may require more time to review items before deciding what action to take on an issue and may refer the item to the appropriate department for further input or advice;
  • Delegations will be informed by letter of any Council resolutions that result from speaking with Council.

If you have an issue of importance, but you don't feel the need to speak in front of Council, you may address a letter to Council by email or paper form. Letters must include the signed and printed name of the sender. Unsigned letter or remarks will not be placed on the agenda.

Letters can be emailed to , dropped off at the Town Office or mailed to: Town of Regina Beach, PO Box 10, Regina Beach, SK  S0G 4C0

Please note that your email or letter in its entirety may be included in the Council Agenda, and that Council Agendas are public documents.

Correspondence must be received no later than the end of seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting which is desired, otherwise it will be placed on the next available Council Agenda.

Unless marked 'Confidential' all correspondence will be available to the media and members of the public.

Prior to releasing information to the public, all "Personal Information" as defined in Section 23(1) of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act will be removed from all documentation unless permission is granted by the individual to release said personal information.

Ratepayers' Meetings

The purpose of annual Ratepayers' Meeting is to give residents throughout the Regina Beach the chance to share feedback with Council and Administration, and to get updates on special projects, planned work and budget.

July 16, 2022 Ratepayers Meeting Recording


CLICK HERE for our July 19, 2023 presentation slides


CLICK HERE for our July 18, 2022 presentation slides


CLICK HERE for our July 24, 2021 presentation slides 

Below you can find the video presentation from the July 24, 2021 Ratepayers Meeting:

[Note: You may want to grab some headphones to have a listen as the recording can be quite low in volume at times]

Additional Informational Documents:

Governance & Accountability of Council 
Town of Regina Beach Code of Ethics Bylaw No. 06/2017
Members of Council Conflict of Interest
Members of Council Job Description
Governance Policy Manual
Council Procedures Bylaw No.14/2021