Information Requests
LA FOIP (The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)
One of the purposes of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP) is to ensure that local authorities are transparent and accountable to the public. One way of facilitating transparency and accountability is to provide individuals with the right to access records in the possession or under the control of a local authority. Section 5 of LA FOIP provides individuals with the right to access records in the possession or under the control of a local authority.
LA FOIP provides access rights to "records that are in the possession or under the control" of the municipality with limited exceptions such as records that are already in the public record. In other words, the access provisions are "record-driven" and not "information-driven." There is no responsibility under the Act to create records that do not exist. If access to a record or part of a record is refused or the decision of the municipality is unsatisfactory, the Information and Privacy Commissioner can be asked to review the decision.
The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulations
Access To Information Request Form
For more information visit LA FOIP, Municipalities and Cities
Municipal Information Request
You may submit an access request for records to the municipality that has possession or control of the records you are seeking.
To make a request please complete the Access to Information Request Form. A fee of $20 must accompany the request.
Municipal Information Request Form
Access To Information Request Form

LA FOIP 101: The Basics for Cities, Towns, Municipalities, etc. Webinar