Utility Billing Information
Billing Frequency
Utility Notices are billed out Quarterly based on either a meter reading or an estimate.
- 1st Quarter Billing - Actual Billing
January 1 to March 31 (interest begins June 1st)
- 2nd Quarter Billing - Estimate Billing
April 1 to June 30 (interest begins September 1st)
- 3rd Quarter Billing - Actual Billing
July 1 to September 30 (interest begins December 1st)
- 4th Quarter Billing - Estimate Billing
October 1 to December 31 (interest begins March 1st)
If you read you own water meter on estimate billings, your water bill will then be based on actual consumption, otherwise your bill will be estimated.
Regular reading of your water meter allows you to keep your account current and accurate. When you do consistent, actual reads of your water meter, you can also monitor your actual water consumption which can help identify any plumbing leaks in toilets or fixtures, etc. sooner too – saving you money!
How to Pay your Utility Bill
All accounts are due upon receipt of your Utility Notice. If an account is unpaid by the end of the month following the month the Utility Notice is issued, a penalty of 1% compounded interest per month, will be applied. This is applied the 1st of each month. Unpaid arrears may result in discontinuation of service. Service will be restored once all arrears, and turn off and turn on fees, are paid in full.
Utility Payment Options
The Town accepts the following payment methods:
1. Online Banking Payments Follow these steps to set up the Town through your online banking institution:
- Add Payee or Vendor
- Search for 'Regina Beach'
- Select the appropriate account - 'Town of Regina Beach - Utilities' or 'Regina Beach, Town of - Utilities'
- Enter your Account Number as it appears on your Utility Notice
* Please note that CIBC currently does not offer Town of Regina Beach online payments for Utilities *
It is your responsibility to ensure payments are made to the correct account. Failure to do this may mean that utilities could be paid to your tax account or vice versa. Online payments can take up to 3 business days to be processed by the bank, so please ensure you allow plenty of time before the due date to avoid interest fees.
If you have more than one property, you must create a separate payee or vendor for each property with each Utility Account. This will make it clear the amount of money that is being allocated to each account/property.
2. Cash or Cheque
The Town Office is open Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm for cash or cheque payments. Cheques are payable to the "Town of Regina Beach." If you are unable to make it during office hours, or prefer to limit your exposure, there is a drop slot located on the south side of the front entrance door. Please ensure you place your payment in an envelope with your name, account number and civic address so the payment can be properly applied.
A cheque can also be mailed to PO Box 10, Regina Beach, SK S0G 4C0. When mailing a cheque, allow enough time before any due date to ensure that your payment is receipted prior to any penalties being applied to your account.
3. Debit (Interac)
The Town Office is open Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm for debit payments. Please watch for office closures during the holidays, as well as any Statutory Holidays if you wish to make a debit payment.
4. Credit Card
The Town accepts Credit Cards (Visa and MasterCard) using OptionPay that can be used online or through the Town Office. OptionPay uses a tiered fee shedule, check out the OptionPay page for more information. Online payments can take up to 3 business days to be processed, so please ensure you allow plenty of time before the due date to avoid interest fees.
Receiving Your Utility Notice Electronically
Have you signed up for Utility & Tax Notices via Email yet? Take 30 seconds today and sign up.
Did you know this helps the Town Office run more efficiently while you get your Tax & Utility Notices instantly delivered to your inbox. Save the Town, and therefore residents, on the cost of paper, labour and postage.

Current Water Rates - Effective April 1, 2021
5,000 gallons or less $141.40 minimum
Over 5,000 gallons $28.30 per 1,000 gallons
Lagoon Infrastructure Fee
Minimum quarterly fee $31.00 plus 5.5% of quarterly water charge
Turn on water service fee - $30.00
Turn off water service fee - $30.00
Turn on and turn off services outside of regular working hours will be carried out in Emergency Situations only - the fee for after hour Emergency call outs will be a minimum call out rate of $100 plus Public Works & Utilities Department current labour rate of hours required (minimum 1 hour) to rectify Emergency.
To request an Emergency shut off after hours, please call 306-729-2202 and Press 1.