The Town of Regina Beach is excited to announce that there are currently a number of upcoming projects around town.
Watch this page to engage and learn more about new and exciting infrastructure upgrades as the season unfolds. We will continue to post pictures and updates as the progress continues.
The Town is pleased to announce the completion of phase two of a multi-year program to replace our sidewalk along Centre Street. This project included the removal and replacement of the east side of the 100 and 200 block of Centre Street.
The new sidewalks include all of the necessary accessibility features to ensure proper functionality for all residents and visitors of Regina Beach. The project also includes a renovated sitting area across from the Town Office.
The work was completed by Wappel Construction of Regina and is just the beginning of Council and staff's vision to beautify the Town through upgrading and replacing aged infrastructure.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. We are working diligently to ensure that this process is completed as soon as possible. **
The Town had awarded this portion of the project to ASL Paving last year and they were also awarded the additional road resurfacing project for this season. Although there will be some disruptions, access to affected properties will not be restricted for any significant length of time. A map of the impacted work area, marked in yellow, is attached below for reference and all affected properties have been notified.
Please follow the directions of the Town or Contractor employees during the project to help maintain a safe worksite and to avoid unnecessary and costly delays if the workers cannot access a required area as needed or there is damage to prepared sites. ASL will be providing signage and flag people to assist in keeping traffic aware or mark any required detours. This process will most likely cause some disruptions in terms of noise due to the nature of the equipment that will be running in the area and we ask that property owners please be patient with us during this process as the end result will be a significant improvement over the current state of the street.
We ask that during the period of June 6th to June 10th that absolutely no street or shoulder parking is to occur in the affected area of 5th Avenue.
If you are not local to the affected area, please try to avoid the area by taking a different route.

The Town of Regina Beach will be completing the gutter patching and asphalt repair on the west side of Centre Street affecting the 100, 200 & 300 block businesses and residents.
The town has awarded the project to Wappel Construction and work is scheduled to begin on Thursday June 9th; however, access to the affected properties will not be restricted until Monday June 13th.
From Monday, June 13th until Friday June 24th there will be no parking on the west side of the 100, 200 & 300 Block. Access to properties will be restricted while the contractor works in the immediate area, and you will need to make alternative parking arrangements during the period of construction. Please note that not all properties will be impacted by access restrictions for the duration of the work.
Please follow the directions of the Town or Contractor employees during the project to help maintain a safe worksite and to avoid unnecessary and costly delays if the workers cannot access a required area as needed or there is damage to prepared sites.
To further explain the details of the project, a schedule of work and phases can be found below, along with a map of the impacted work area, marked in orange.
For businesses affected during this project we will make an ongoing effort to provide temporary access for customers to access their business as we recognize there are very limited alternative access points on this side of Centre Street. We will work with the contractor to provide access to your business as much as possible through this project; however, we appreciate your understanding that some disruptions are to be expected.
We anticipate that this continuation of our ongoing infrastructure improvement will benefit all residents, visitors, and businesses in our community.
** Please note that this is tentative **
Please remember that these dates are tentative and may be extended or shortened without notice. Once the process is completed and the barriers are removed traffic can begin to use the street again.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. We are working diligently to ensure that this process is completed as soon as possible. **
The Town has awarded the project to ASL Paving and work is scheduled to begin on Tuesday June 14th and finish by Tuesday June 21st. During the timeframe of June 14th to June 19th local traffic access will be permitted however on June 20th and 21st the road will be closed for the process of applying priming oil and laying asphalt.
During the timeframe of the closure vehicles must find alternative parking either on the shoulder at the corner of 16th Street and 5th Avenue, or on the shoulders of Little Grande Avenue and Woodland Avenue. Please make sure not to block any driveways or property accesses while using these areas for parking.
A map of the impacted work area, marked in yellow, is included for your reference.
We ask that during the period of June 14th to June 19th that absolutely no street or shoulder parking is to occur in the affected area of 16th Street.

Please remember that these dates are tentative and may be extended or shortened without notice. Once the process is completed and the barriers are removed traffic can begin to use the street again.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. We are working diligently to ensure that this process is completed as soon as possible. **
The Town has awarded the project to ASL Paving and work is scheduled to begin on Thursday June 16th and finish by Wednesday June 22nd. During the timeframe of June 16th to June 20th local traffic access will be permitted; however, on June 21st and 22nd the road will be closed for the process of applying priming oil and laying asphalt.
Please follow the directions of the Town or Contractor employees during the project to help maintain a safe worksite and to avoid unnecessary and costly delays if the workers cannot access a required area as needed. ASL will be providing signage and flag people to assist in keeping traffic aware or any required detours. This process will most likely cause some disruptions in terms of noise due to the nature of the equipment that will be running in the area, and we ask that residents please be patient with us during this process as the end result will be a significant improvement over the current state of the street.
During the timeframe of the closure vehicles must find alternative parking either on the shoulder of 5th Ave, 6th Ave, or Bryden Crescent. Please make sure not to block any driveways or property accesses while using these areas for parking.
We ask that during the period of June 16th to June 22nd that absolutely no street or shoulder parking is to occur in the affected area of 14th Street.
A map of the impacted work area, marked in yellow, is included for your reference.

** This is a notice that the road resurfacing project that affects residents on Macmurchy Avenue between 2nd Street West and 3rd Street West will be extended. The road construction will start either Friday, June 24th or Monday, June 27th and could continue until Thursday, June 30th. The road could be difficult to pass at certain times depending on the stage of construction and residents are asked to obey and follow the signage during this time.
Please remember that these dates are tentative and may be extended or shortened without notice. Once the process is completed and the barriers are removed traffic can begin to use the street again without delays or restrictions.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. We are working diligently to ensure that this process is completed as soon as possible. **
The Town of Regina Beach will be continuing phase one of its road resurfacing program.
The Town has awarded the project to ASL Paving and work is scheduled to begin on Monday, June 20th and finish by Thursday, June 23rd. Access to the affected residences will not be restricted for any significant length of time; access to properties may be briefly restricted while the contractor works in the immediate area. It is recommended to use alternative parking outside of the work area during this time period to ensure no issues with entering or leaving your property, however the street will be open to local traffic for the duration of this process.
Please follow the directions of the Town or Contractor employees during the project to help maintain a safe worksite and to avoid unnecessary and costly delays if the workers cannot access a required area as needed. ASL will be providing signage and flag people to assist in keeping traffic aware or any required detours. This process will most likely cause some disruptions in terms of noise due to the nature of the equipment that will be running in the area, and we ask that property owners please be patient with us during this process as the end result will be a significant improvement over the current state of the street.
We ask that during the period of June 20th to June 23rd that absolutely no street or shoulder parking is to occur in the affected area of MacMurchy Avenue.
A map of the impacted work area, marked in yellow, is included for your reference.
The Town will be starting Phase Two of its Road Resurfacing Program.
The project has been awarded to ASL Paving and work is tentatively scheduled to begin Monday, July 18. Please remember that this date is tentative and could be subject to change without notice.
For the duration of this project we would ask that no vehicles are parked on the street in the affected area, and any vehicles parked or stored in a driveway, provide a minimum of 5 feet clearance to the road's edge.
Access to properties in the affected areas may be briefly restricted while the contractor works in the immediate area. Please follow the directions of the Town or Contractor employees during the project to help maintain a safe worksite and to avoid unnecessary and costly delays if the workers cannot access a required area as needed.
* Coming Soon *
The project has been awarded to ASL Paving and work is tentatively scheduled to begin Monday, July 18. Please remember that this date is tentative and could be subject to change without notice.
For the duration of this project we would ask that no vehicles are parked on the street in the affected area, and any vehicles parked or stored in a driveway, provide a minimum of 5 feet clearance to the road's edge.
Access to properties in the affected areas may be briefly restricted while the contractor works in the immediate area. Please follow the directions of the Town or Contractor employees during the project to help maintain a safe worksite and to avoid unnecessary and costly delays if the workers cannot access a required area as needed.
The Town will be starting Phase Two of its Road Resurfacing Program.
The project has been awarded to ASL Paving and work is tentatively scheduled to begin Monday, July 18. Please remember that this date is tentative and could be subject to change without notice.
For the duration of this project we would ask that no vehicles are parked on the street in the affected area, and any vehicles parked or stored in a driveway, provide a minimum of 5 feet clearance to the road's edge.
Access to properties in the affected areas may be briefly restricted while the contractor works in the immediate area. Please follow the directions of the Town or Contractor employees during the project to help maintain a safe worksite and to avoid unnecessary and costly delays if the workers cannot access a required area as needed.
The town has awarded the project to ASL Paving and work is scheduled to be completed within the timeframe of July 18th to July 23rd. Please remember that these dates are tentative and could be subject to change without notice. For the duration of this project we would ask that no vehicles are parked on the street in the affected area. This project consists of installing a small patches of asphalt and is not expected to cause major disruptions.
Please follow the directions of the Town or Contractor employees during the project to help maintain a safe worksite and to avoid unnecessary and costly delays if the workers cannot access a required area as needed.

The Town has awarded the project to ASL Paving and work is scheduled to take place between August 15th and 26th. Please remember that these dates are tentative and could be subject to change without notice. For the duration of this project we would ask that no vehicles are parked on the street in the affected area, and any vehicles parked or stored in a driveways provide a minimum of 5 feet of clearance to the roads edge.
Please note that access to your property may be briefly restricted while the contractor works in your immediate area. Please follow the directions of the Town or Contractor employees during the project to help maintain a safe worksite and to avoid unnecessary and costly delays if the workers cannot access a required area as needed.
The Town has awarded the project to ASL Paving and work is scheduled to take place between August 22nd and August 27th. Please remember that these dates are tentative and could be subject to change without notice. For the duration of this project, we ask that no vehicles are parked on the street in the affected area, and any vehicles parked or stored in driveways provide a minimum of 5 feet of clearance to the roads edge.
Please note that access to properties may be briefly restricted while the contractor works in your immediate area. Please follow the directions of the Town or Contractor employees during the project to help maintain a safe worksite and to avoid unnecessary and costly delays if the workers cannot access a required area as needed.
The Town has awarded the project to ASL Paving and work is scheduled to take place between August 22nd and August 27th. Please remember that these dates are tentative and could be subject to change without notice. For the duration of this project, we ask that no vehicles are parked on the street in the affected area, and any vehicles parked or stored in driveways provide a minimum of 5 feet of clearance to the roads edge.
Please note that access to properties may be briefly restricted while the contractor works in your immediate area. Please follow the directions of the Town or Contractor employees during the project to help maintain a safe worksite and to avoid unnecessary and costly delays if the workers cannot access a required area as needed.
The Town of Regina Beach will be starting this years Water Main Replacement project.
The Town has awarded the project to Queen City Excavating and the project is scheduled to begin during the week of August 22nd. The entire project is scheduled to take approximately 4 weeks to complete. We ask that Residents of 12th street and Shaw drive please be patient with us throughout this project as water and traffic flow disruptions will be necessary to complete the project.
As the project progresses the residents of the affected area will experience temporary closures of 12th Street as well as the entrance to Shaw Drive. We will be working hard to minimize these closure times. The excavation of these areas will be done in phases to ensure that residents can still park within a reasonable walking distance to there property during this process. The phases of closure are as follows:
- 12th street from 5th Ave to Shaw Drive
- 12th Street from 6th Ave to Shaw Drive
- The entry point to Shaw Drive
During the period of each of these closures we would ask that the affected residents park outside of the construction zone and walk to their property. A map is provided for your reference.
At certain times throughout the project, it will be necessary for the Town to turn off the water in the affected area. We have instructed Queen City Excavating to only cause disruptions to the water service in the work area between the hours of 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours the water will remain in service unless unforeseen issues occur. We would ask that residents stock drinking water for the duration of this project as well as additional water for flushing toilets, cleaning etc.
As per Provincial regulations, once the water in this area is turned off for the first time a precautionary drinking water advisory will be issued to each resident. The advisory will then stay in effect until the completion of the job and clean water samples are confirmed at which point notices will be send out and the advisory will be rescinded.
Residents can obtain water by going to the water treatment facility located at 1002 16th Street East on the south side of highway 54. On the East side of the large blue building is a tap that can be used to fill jugs or tanks with potable treated water.
* Update: 2nd Ave Completed. 3rd Ave Sept 12-16 *
2nd Avenue from Centre Street to 3rd Street East and 3rd Avenue from Centre Street to 5th Street East
The Town has awarded the project to ASL Paving and work is scheduled to begin on August 29th and may continue until September 2nd or later. Please remember that these dates are tentative and could be subject to change without notice. For the duration of this project we would ask that no vehicles are parked on the street in the affected area, and any vehicles parked or stored in driveways provide a minimum of 5 feet of clearance to the roads edge.
The Town will be completing 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue in the same week, however only one of these roads will be closed for construction at a time. Please make sure to follow the posted signage as a route to the beachfront and boat launch will be accessible throughout the entire project.
For the duration of the project each of the affected roads will have to be completely closed for a 2-3 day period. During this time residents will have to find parking outside of the construction area on the shoulders of the adjacent streets and walk to their residences. Residents of the 300 block of 1st Street will want to ensure that they park outside of their block during this project as the access to there street will be closed.
A map of the impacted work area, marked in orange, is included below. Please follow the directions of the Town or Contractor employees during the project to help maintain a safe worksite and to avoid unnecessary and costly delays if the workers cannot access a required area as needed.
The Town has awarded the project to ASL Paving and work is scheduled to take place between August 31 and September 7. Please remember that these dates are tentative and could be subject to change without notice. For the duraton of this project we woud ask that no vehicles are parked on the street in the affected area, and any vehicles parked or stored in driveways provide a minimum of 5 feet of clearance to the roads edge.
Please note that access to properties may be briefly restricted while the contractor works in your immediate area. Please follow the directions of the Town or Contractor employees during the project to help maintain a safe worksite and to avoid unnecessary and costly delays if the workers cannot access a required area as needed.
The Town has awarded the project to ASL Paving and work is scheduled to take place between September 6th and September 9th. Please remember that these dates are tentative and could be subject to change without notice. For the duration of this project we would ask that no vehicles are parked on the street in the affected area, and any vehicles parked or stored in a driveways provide a minimum of 5 feet of clearance to the roads edge.
Please note that access to your property may be briefly restricted while the contractor works in your immediate area. Please follow the directions of the Town or Contractor employees during the project to help maintain a safe worksite and to avoid unnecessary and costly delays if the workers cannot access a required area as needed.