Assessment & Tax Information
2025 ASSESSMENT ROLL - OPEN March 10, 2025 to May 9, 2025
Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA) is responsible for providing municipalities in Saskatchewan with the assessed values of land improvements (buildings) in order for the municipality to calculate property taxes. SAMA conducts revaluations based on a four-year cycle. The option to appeal your assessment is available to property owners each year while the 'Assessment Roll is Open'. Assessment notices are sent to property owners every revauation year and when changes have occured to the assessment (ie: new build, demolition, sale etc.)
Please find SAMA's Education Publication on their website. Click Here
- How Property Assessment Works in Saskatchewan
- Understanding Assessment - INFO Sheet
- Residential Property - INFO Sheet
- Commercial Property - INFO Sheet
SAMA Contact Info:
Phone: 306-924-8000 or 1-800-667-7262
SAMAView is a website application that allows the general public access to individual property assessment for all SAMA client jurisdictions.
SAMAView - Creating a Public User Account
Your Property Tax Notice is a statement identifying how much your property tax is for the current tax year, including details of the taxing authorities that receive a portion of your tax dollars.
The tax year begins January 1st and ends December 31st of the current year. Tax notices are sent to property owners at the end of May/beginning of June. Property tax deadline is December 31. You will receive a 5% discount on the municipal portion of taxes if you pay by July 31st.
The Town levies property taxes each year. Your annual property tax notice will include municipal taxes, as well as taxes imposed by other taxing authorities like school divisions or library boards.
The Tax Enforcement Act and The Tax Enforcement Regulations provide the direction for enforcing the collection of property taxes. A guide for residents is also available, Municipal Property Tax Enforcement A Citizen's Guide. The Town of Regina Beach has engaged a firm for the management of tax enforcement, TAXervice.
If you would like to obtain property tax information for a property, you may request a tax certificate. A tax certificate will provide you with the following:
- the amount of taxes levied and still owing;
- the total amount of arrears;
- the amount of any current or proposed local improvements attached to the property;
- whether an assessment appeal is outstanding; and
- whether there are outstanding amounts that may be added as a result of an order to remedy a condition of the property.
A tax certificate is $25 per property. Requests for tax certificates must be made in writing and clearly identify the requested property.
If you are the property owner and you'd like an update on the balance of your property tax account, please call the Town Office at 306-729-2202.
After the Province, other taxing authorities and the Town of Regina Beach determine their annual budgets, the Town uses the mills rates (also known as tax rates) and council-approved tax policies to calculate your property tax.
Residential Tax Levy = {(Taxable Assessment x Mill Rate)/1,000} + Base Tax
Commercial Tax Levy = [Taxable Assessment x {(Municipal Mill Rate x Mill Rate Factor) + Library Mill Rate + School Mill Rate}/1,000 + Base Tax

Freshen up on the Tax Bylaws here TAXES
Property taxes imposed by the Town of Regina Beach are due December 31 of each year. If property taxes are not paid in full by the end December 31st they are considered to be in arrears. Arrears are subject to a penalty at a compound rate of 1.25% per month, added on the first day of each month until paid. Penalties added to arrears are considered part of the tax arrears.
Additionally, the following Incentive Program applies to the municipal portion of taxes only:
- Payments received by July 31 are eligible for a discount of 5%
Tax Payment Options
The Town accepts the following payment methods:
1. Online Banking Payments Follow these steps to set up the Town through your online banking institution:
- Add Payee or Vendor
- Search for 'Regina Beach'
- Select the appropriate account - 'Town of Regina Beach - Tax' or 'Regina Beach, Town of - Tax'
- Enter your Roll Number as it appears on your Tax Notice. Add preceding zeros if your bank requires more digits.
* Please note that CIBC currently does not offer Town of Regina Beach online payments for Utilities *
It is your responsibility to ensure payments are made to the correct account. Failure to do this may mean that taxes could be paid to your Utilitity account or vice versa. Online payments can take up to 3 business days to be processed by the bank, so please ensure you allow plenty of time before the due date to avoid interest fees.
If you have more than one property, you must create a separate payee or vendor for each property with each Roll number. This will make it clear the amount of money that is being allocated to each account/property.
2. Cash or Cheque
The Town Office is open Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm for cash or cheque payments. Cheques are payable to the "Town of Regina Beach." If you are unable to make it during office hours, or prefer to limit your exposure, there is a drop slot located on the south side of the front entrance door. Please ensure you place your payment in an envelope with your name, account number and civic address so the payment can be properly applied.
A cheque can also be mailed to PO Box 10, Regina Beach, SK S0G 4C0. When mailing a cheque, allow enough time before any due date to ensure that your payment is receipted prior to any penalties being applied to your account.
3. Debit (Interac)
The Town Office is open Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm for debit payments. Please watch for office closures during the holidays, as well as any Statutory Holidays if you wish to make a debit payment.
4. Credit Card
The Town accepts Credit Cards (Visa and MasterCard) using OptionPay that can be used online or through the Town Office. OptionPay uses a tiered fee shedule, check out the OptionPay page for more information. Online payments can take up to 3 business days to be processed, so please ensure you allow plenty of time before the due date to avoid interest fees.
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