The Town of Regina Beach hires the Regional Bylaw Services to provide local bylaw enforcement. 

  • The Bylaw Enforcement Officer is responsible for:
    Promoting, facilitating and enforcing general compliance with the provisions of certain Town bylaws;
  • Working with residents and community members to resolve issues through education and enforcement to achieve a bylaw compliance;
  • Providing inspections and regulatory work related to the enforcement of specific bylaws;
  • Investigating complaints with impartiality;
  • Gathering evidence according to established rules and preparing and presenting that evidence to Council and/or court when called upon to do so;
  • Coordinating investigations with internal and external enforcement agencies;

The Bylaw Enforcement Officer provides services under the following schedule:

October 1 – April 30 @ 3 hours/week

May 1 – September 30 @ 12 hours/week

Reporting a Suspected Bylaw Contravention

See something amiss? Suspect or have a concern about a bylaw violation? We encourage you to talk to us!

Bylaw Enforcement Officers cannot be everywhere all the time and do not always see the violation as it is occurring. We rely on reports from the public to enforce our bylaws, and the Town welcomes your concerns about bylaw infractions.

You can file a bylaw report in the following ways:

Online: Submitting an E-Service Request by clicking HERE.

In Writing: Emailing OR visiting us at the Town Office to complete a written report during regular office hours

Phone: Phoning the office at 306-729-2202 during regular office hours



What do I Need to File a Report?

When filing a report, please be prepared to provide as much detail as possible about the concern:

  • Address of property involved;
  • Date and time when the violation was first observed, and any subsequent violations;
  • A detailed description of the violation;
  • Pictures if applicable;
  • As well as your name, phone number and/or email.

Once a report is received, staff will acknowledge your concern. Reports or concerns submitted are reviewed during regular office hours and will be investigated thoroughly. The identity of every concern is kept confidential under the The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP). You may be contacted by the Town Office or Bylaw Enforcement Officer if further information or verification is required. Information relating to the investigation and any subsequent ticketing is a confidential process.

Depending on the type of bylaw infraction, the Lumsden RCMP may be able to help you after hours and on the weekend as they also have the authority to enforce our Town bylaws. Lumsden RCMP can be contacted in situations such as late-night noise from parties, fireworks, traffic violations, etc. at (306) 731-4270. If your issue is an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

If the matter requires immediate assistance and is an emergency dial 9-1-1.
Concerned about aggressive driving? Or any other traffic violation. Please call the Lumsden RCMP.


Yay! As per the process, that has been ongoing over the past 8 months, which included multiple rounds of public consultation, the Town of Regina Beach is happy to announce that we have received provincial approval of our New Official Community Plan Bylaw 10/2021 & Zoning Bylaw 11/2021. They are now officially in effect. Thank you to everyone who took the time to review and comment.

Please read the new bylaws for the newly official information that will apply to new developments. Please note the new application fee schedule included in the document is also in effect.

Please be patient as we update our website to reflect the changes. In the very near future this will include improved application forms and information sheets.

The Planning and Development Act, 2007 (PDA) provides council the authority to adopt an official community plan (OCP). Under the legislation, the OCP must be prepared in consultation with a professional community planner as licensed under The Community Planning Profession Act, 2013.The OCP is the keystone of the planning process and is essential in managing future growth and development of our community. The purpose of the OCP is to provide a comprehensive policy framework to guide the physical, environmental, economic, social and cultural development of the Town. The plan is a growth management strategy for the Town and enables us to set development goals, objectives and policies that Council can use to manage land use, subdivision, municipal services and public utilities. An OCP must also incorporate any applicable provincial land use policies.

Without an OCP, the Town would:

  • Have little control over development and would be unable to effectively manage land use;
  • Be unable to coordinate development with services and capital planning;
  • Be unable to manage the separation of incompatible land users (e.g., residences and industrial).

The primary legal and administrative means of implementing an OCP is a Zoning Bylaw. A Zoning Bylaw divides a municipality into zoning districts and regulates the development and use of land in those districts. The purpose of a Zoning Bylaw is to control the use of land for providing for the amenity of the area within Council’s jurisdiction, and for the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants of the Town.A Zoning Bylaw permits Council to set standards for the use and subdivision of land, and helps manage the supply of Town services and resources to new development.