2023 By-Election & Plebiscite and Voter Information
2023 Municipal By-Election Nomination Documents
The following individuals have submitted nomination documents and received a receipt of nomination and candidates acceptance for the 2023 municipal by-election in the Town of Regina Beach. Attached are the specific documents submitted by each candidate.
Bonnie Barber - Barber Nomination Forms Barber - BIO
Arnold Buehler - Buehler Nomination Forms Buehler - BIO
Leah Switzer - Switzer Nomination Forms Switzer - BIO
What is a plebiscite?
A direct vote by eligible voters to express an opinion for or against a proposal. These questions are Council's way to gage the public's level of interest, and the results of these questions are not binding on Council.
Over the course of Council's term (and beyond), there has been numerous requests on both sides of both issues. With the upcoming by-election required to fill vacancies, Council has decided to take the opportunity to engage the public as much as possible for their actual opinion.
Refer to the January 24 Council Meetings for the motions on these 2 questions https://reginabeach.ca/council-agendas-minutes
Currently the Town does not have any bylaws in regard to Golf Carts or ATV's meaning neither are allowed on Town streets and the rules follow Provincial Regulations and are enforceable by the RCMP.
Please refer to SGI website for more information https://sgi.sk.ca/recreational-vehicles
The All Terrain Vehicles Act can be found at https://publications.saskatchewan.ca/#/products/369

Important Voter Information
MEMORIAL HALL 9:00 am—8:00 pm
101 Centre Street
MEMORIAL HALL 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
101 Centre Street
1. Acceptable Voter Identification
Your name and address must appear in some form on your voter
identification documents.
Photo ID—Your best option to take to the polls. Acceptable photo identification is ID that is government-issued, valid and has your photo, name and address.
2. Advance Poll
Voting at an advance poll is the same as a regular poll.
3. Election Day
Polls are required to be open between 9:00am—8:00pm on Election Day.
4. Voter Eligibility
To vote in a city, town or village election in Saskatchewan, you must:
· be a Canadian citizen;
· be at least 18 years of age and one of the following;
· have lived in Saskatchewan for at least six consecutive months immediately before election days and:
a. lived in the municipality (or on land now in the municipality) for at least three consecutive months immediately before election day; or
b. be the owner of assessable land situated in the municipality (or land now situated in the municipality) for at least 3 consecutive months immediately before election day.
For more information on Voting in Saskatchewan visit www.saskatchewan.ca/government/municipal-administration/elections/voting

Voters participating in the upcoming municipal election are reminded of Identification requirements under the Provincial Municipal Elections Act.
There are three options for the purposes of identification:
Option 1:
One piece of government issued photo ID that shows name and address. For example: SGI issued Driver License
Option 2:
Two pieces of ID that shows the voter’s name and address if not all contained in photo ID. For example: Health Card with municipal tax notice.
Option 3:
A qualified voter vouches for the person without ID by completing Form B – Vouching for identity. For example Neighbour for Neighbour.
For the assistance of voters in the upcoming municipal by-election the voters registration form can be printed and filled out and brought to the poll in advance. Click here for the form. Copies are also available at the Municipal Office.
Block 5: being Municipal Voters excluding Rural Municipalities and Resort Villages is to be completed for Regina Beach voters.
Block 4: is to be completed for those voters participating in a School Division election. - not required
The last page is to be signed in the presence of the Deputy Returning Officer at the poll.
Voters are asked to bring ID proving residence and/or proof of ownership.