Alert: Zebra Mussels Found in Aquarium Moss Ball Products

As a lake community we need to be aware of this issue with contaminated aquarium moss ball products that need extreme caution so we don’t loose the lake as we know it.
"Zebra mussels have been found in moss/algal ball products for aquariums or water gardens sold in western Canada, including in Saskatchewan, after January 1, 2021. These products are often sold as Marimo Moss Balls and are a popular ornamental plant kept with betta fish. Zebra mussels pose a serious threat to Saskatchewan waterways, so it's critical to properly dispose of any of these products you have in your possession.
The zebra mussels found on moss balls in Saskatchewan have been tiny, about the size of grain of sand, and often found inside the moss ball itself, so it's nearly impossible to detect them by a simple visual inspection. Because moss balls sold here all come from the same source, its best to be safe, assume that zebra mussels are present, and dispose of the products safely."
To read more go to Saskatchewan Government website here