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Merry Christmas!
The Town Of Regina Beach Staff & Council would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! Office is closed December 24 - January 4 Garbage Pick Up December 29 & 30 Recycling day December 28 Please note that we do realize we shouldn't quit our day jobs to chase a singing career, so...
Rescinded Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory – 200 Block Osborne Ave
The Water Security Agency, in consultation with the Saskatchewan Health Authority, is advising that the "Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory" issued for the Town of Regina Beach's distribution system (consumers on 200 Block of Osborne Avenue Only) has been rescinded, as of December...
Garbage Pick Up Delayed - Tuesday, December 22
Please note that Garbage schedule for today will be delayed due to snow removal. Please be assured that your garbage will be picked up in the next day or two. Stay safe out...
Virtual Community Christmas Concert 2020
Seasons Greetings everyone! The Virtual Community Christmas Concert is now available for viewing. This concert is presented to you by the Regina Beach Leisure Time Club and the Town of Regina Beach. Replacing our Caroling Festival Tradition, this is our attempt to bring a Community...
Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory – 200 Block Osborne Ave
This Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory is issued due to a depressurization caused by watermain repair. This Advisory applies to residents and users located on the 200 Block of Osborne Avenue in the Town of Regina Beach. The PDWA is effective December 19, 2020 and will remain in effect...
January 2021 - Nurse Practitioner Schedule
To schedule an appointment, call...
Centre Street Christmas Trees - "People's Choice Award"
The time has come to vote for your favorite Centre Street Christmas Tree. The winner will receive the 'Regina Beach People's Choice' Trophy! Each tree is numbered with a red flag. Vote for your favorite tree by the number on the flag starting Saturday, December 19, 2020 - Monday, December 21...
2021 Curbside Recycling Calendar
The 2021 Curbside Recycling Calendar is now out! Click here for a copy of...
Statistics Canada Hiring - Census Jobs
Canada’s next Census of Population will take place in spring 2021. Statistics Canada will be hiring across the country in every community, big and small, in preparation for the 2021 Census. In the current context of COVID-19, we are committed to hiring locally and ensuring the safety of...
Festive Fun on Regina Beach Centre Street
Did you catch the article in the paper on the Centre Street Christmas trees? Such a great initiative and we're sure this will be a tradition for many years to come. Read it...
Regina Beach Outdoor Rink is Now Open!
The Regina Beach Rink is now open!! Please be respectful of each other and remember that we can only have 10 people at the rink at a time so if you have been there for a while, please allow new skaters on the ice. Thank you everyone for your cooperation. Enjoy the Rink! Please note the...
Reminder - Taxes Due December 31
Reminder that taxes are due December 31. Payments may be made in the office by cheque, debit or cash; post dated cheques; telephone banking or internet banking services. Anyone wishing to pay by Interac must pay in the office by December 23 at 4:30pm. After that there is a drop slot on the...