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Culverts & Drainage

Posted in News & Notices

Culverts & Drainage

Public Works has been busy this week working on clearing ice from culverts throughout the community to help remedy any drainage issues as the snowmelts.

We appreciate your patience at this busy time of year as they work their way through the community. This is normal in the spring, and as temperatures dip below freezing overnight they may have to thaw culverts multiple times throughout a week.

Public Works will be continuously monitoring and keeping up to everything as best as they can while also ensuring normal daily tasks and emergency situations, such as water breaks, are also being taken care of.

If you see a blockage or a drainage issue that is in danger of damage to infrastructure or property, please contact the Town Office at 306-729-2202 or email [email protected].

🚧 When you see the crews and equipment in the area, please make sure you are slowing down and keeping an eye out for workers. 🚧


