First Responders - First Aid & Mental Health First Aid Courses

To give back to our communities the South Shore First Responders are planning the below education sessions. They are offering these courses to educate and empower local eople on how to assist themselves and their neighbours with basic first aid needs. They believe everybody should know CPR for adults and children, as well as how to run an AED machine. There is no need to wait for emergency services to arrive when these are tasks anybody can do if given a little training. With only 5 First Responders at the present time it is impossible for these volunteers to cover every call. Sometimes we just need to help ourselves. So, they are offering an opportunity to people who live in the communities of Regina Beach, Buena Vista, Kinookimaw, Lumsden Beach and RM of Lumsden #189 to attend a couple training classes. It is their hope that these classes may spark some interest in bringing forward more volunteers for the First Repsonders program. They cannot effectively care for this large community with only 5 volunteers.
You do not have to be a health care professional to become a Medical First Responder. EMS offers training and guidance through every call. Shelly Brodziak is the Coordinator of the South Shore First Responder group and would be happy to discuss with you any questions you may have about becoming a Medical First Responder. We are in need of more volunteers for our communities, if interested please contact Shelley at [email protected]