2nd Quarter Water Billing

Preparations have begun for the 2nd Quarter Water Billing (April 1st – June 30th) which will be going out approximately mid-July.
This is an estimate billing, however, if you would like an actual billing we encourage residents to send in their water meter readings by July 2nd at 4:30pm. Please fill in the form below with a picture of your meter read attached.
If you read you own water meter, your water bill will then be based on actual consumption, otherwise your bill will be estimated.
Regular reading of your water meter allows you to keep your account current and accurate. When you do consistent, actual reads of your water meter, you can also monitor your actual water consumption which can help identify any plumbing leaks in toilets or fixtures, etc. sooner too – saving you money!
Please note that the 3rd Quarter Billing for July 1st – Sept 30th will be an actual meter read.