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Temporary Acting CAO in Place

Temporary Acting CAO in Place

Posted in News & Notices

Please take note that effective Friday, December 11th at 4:30pm Dave Wilfong will be in the Acting CAO position until the Town selection of a new CAO is in...

Lumsden RCMP Notice

Lumsden RCMP Notice

Posted in News & Notices

The Lumsden RCMP Detachment is seeking the public’s assistance in solving a crime that recently occurred in your community. Sometime between October 30 and November 12, a break-in occurred at the Regina Beach Golf Course. A Summit snowmobile, generator, and various power tools were...

Notice of Special Meeting - Date Change

Notice of Special Meeting - Date Change

Posted in News & Notices

*Please take note there has been a date change for the Special Meeting, that was originally scheduled for tonight, due to weather. The Meeting will now be Thursday, December 10th* TAKE NOTICE THAT the following item will be discussed and considered by the Council of the Town of Regina Beach at...

Protect Yourself To Ensure Safety On Ice This Winter!

Protect Yourself To Ensure Safety On Ice This Winter!

Posted in News & Notices

With the arrival of colder temperatures, the Water Security Agency and Government of Saskatchewan is reminding the public to make sure ice is safe and thick enough before walking or driving across it. Ice thickness depends on the particular waterbody and the local conditions. To be sure, check...

Holidays Announcement

Holidays Announcement

Posted in News & Notices

Please note that the Town Office & Public Works will have some closures over the holiday season. The Office will be closed December 24 - January 3.  Public Works will be closed December 24 - December 28. Reminder that taxes are due December 31. Payments may be made in the office by cheque,...

Outdoor Rink - Closed until Further Notice

Outdoor Rink - Closed until Further Notice

Posted in News & Notices

Please note that the Regina Beach Outdoor Rink is currently CLOSED to the Public. Flooding has been started however due to the mild temperatures it will be a bit longer yet before we can open.Please stay off the ice until we post that it is open….this will ensure a good ice surface for skaters...

Notice of Special Meeting

Notice of Special Meeting

Posted in News & Notices

TAKE NOTICE THAT the following item will be discussed and considered by the Council of the Town of Regina Beach at a Special Council meeting to be held at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at Memorial Hall, 101 Centre Street, Regina Beach, Saskatchewan.      • Personnel In accordance...

Community Virtual Christmas Concert

Community Virtual Christmas Concert

Posted in Community Connections

Not able to hold Christmas Concerts this year, so why not try a Virtual Christmas concert so everyone can still enjoy some community Christmas spirit! All you have to do is send your video to [email protected] by December 13 and we will do all the work to put it together for your...

Start Sending Your Christmas Wishes

Start Sending Your Christmas Wishes

Posted in News & Notices

It's December 1st and you know what that can now begin sending your Christmas Wishes to the Mayor! The slips are in the stocking on the Christmas Tree (in the Town Office parking lot). We look forward to your Christmas wishes and spreading of good...

Welcome to the Team!

Welcome to the Team!

Posted in News & Notices

We would like to announce that we have hired for the Rec Coordinator position and we would like to WELCOME STEPHANIE CASWELL to the team!! We are delighted to have you among us Stephanie and we are confident you will do great things! We look forward to working with...

Regina Beach Public Library Program Guide & Calendar

Regina Beach Public Library Program Guide & Calendar

Posted in Community Connections

Check out what's going on at the Library this month....

And the Winner Is....

And the Winner Is....

Posted in Community Connections

Congratulations to CASTLES AND DREAMS are the winners of the Tree Decorating contest! Honorable mention goes out to the REGINA BEACH VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT! Special thanks to the Reids, Cathy Joyner and Larry Hall for the tough job of judging; and to all those that...