News & Notices
Office Hours
Please be advised that there are a couple dates that the office will be opening a little later due to Staff Training....
Spring Road Maintenance
After a sometimes brutal winter, spring’s warmer weather comes as a welcome relief….except for what it does to the roads! It is prime pothole season, and while a pothole can form at any time of the year, they really “spring up” after winter. Staying on top of potholes can sometimes be a...
Drinking Water Advisories - Rescinded
* Rescinded Drinking Water Advisories * The Water Security Agency, in consultation with the Saskatchewan Health Authority-Regina Office, has advised that the Precautionary Drinking Water Advisories (PDWA) issued for the Town of Regina Beach’s distribution system for consumers on 5th Street...
Public Notice
** Due to recent change to restrictions, Council has decided that anyone wanting to attend the meeting will be required to attend through Zoom at the link below. Thank you for understanding!** Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Town...
Temporary Water Disruption Saturday, March 13
A valve repair is scheduled to take place Saturday, March 13 that will create a temporary water disruption that will affect 300-800 Block Green Ave, 500-600 MacMurchy Ave and 600 Nicoll Lane. Please note that once water is restored the Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory will continue to be...
Rescinded Precautionary Drinking Water Advisories
The Water Security Agency, in consultation with the Saskatchewan Health Authority-Regina Office, has advised that the Precautionary Drinking Water Advisories (PDWA) issued for the Town of Regina Beach’s distribution system for consumers on 11th Street East, the north half of Bryden Crescent and...
Public Works is out Sanding the Roads!
Please note that the Public Works crew is out there sprinkling sand on the roads so everyone can get around with ease. We appreciate your understanding and patience while they try to get around town. When you see a Town Public Works vehicle in the area make sure to slow down, keep an eye out...
Council Meeting - March 9
The Agenda for tonight's (Tuesday, March 9th) Council Meeting can be found at Please note that meetings are currently open to the public under restrictions (masks mandatory, physical distancing enforced), as well as available through Zoom at...
Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory - 6th Street East between 4th Ave & 5th Ave
Public Works & Utilities, along with Rivard Enterprises have worked hard and the water break on 6th Street East between 4th Ave & 5th Ave is now repaired. The water has now been restored for the affected residents. A Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory is now in effect for all the...
Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory - Green, MacMurchy, Nicoll Lane
Public Works & Utilities, along with JRA have worked hard and have now repaired the water main break affecting the houses on the 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 & 800 Blocks of Green Ave, 500 & 600 Blocks of MacMurchy Ave and 600 Block of Nicoll Lane. The water has now been restored for the...
Municipal Flag Design Contest Officially Closed
The Municipal Flag Design Contest is now officially closed. A huge Thank You to all that participated. We had 27 great entries and the selection committee is going to have a real hard time determining the finalists. A special thank you to the grade 7 & 8 students of South Shore Elementary...
Water Disruptions & Precautionary Drinking Water Advisories
Public Works & Utilities are busy working on water breaks today. This post will be updated once repairs are scheduled. Water Disruptions are expected for the following:- 6th Street East between 4th Ave & 5th Ave only - crews will be working to repair this Monday as long as they can - 5th...