Age Friendly Committee

Three Communities Recognized As Achieving Age-Friendly Status In Saskatchewan
Released on December 5, 2018
Three Saskatchewan communities have been recognized for their commitment to age-friendly principles through community engagement and action.
“Our government supports the Age-Friendly Communities initiative, which promotes healthy, accessible, inclusive communities where all individuals are valued and supported,” Rural and Remote Health Minister Greg Ottenbreit said. “We congratulate the recipients on their efforts to become more age-friendly.”
Strasbourg, Rosetown, and Regina Beach/Buena Vista/Kinookimaw have all received a joint award from the Government of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism to acknowledge their work on activities and programming to be more inclusive of seniors, leading to communities that benefit all ages.
This includes:
• establishing an age-friendly committee;
• securing the support of municipal government;
• assessing the community, determining where age-friendly initiatives are needed; and
• developing, publicizing and implementing an action plan.
To get involved contact Sandi at 306-737-2720