
The Town is continuously looking for ways to improve the drainage. The Public Works Department cleans and flushes culverts on an as-needed basis. After heavy rainfalls, catch basins and culverts are inspected and cleaned out if necessary.
Public Works also spends many hours of work clearing ice from culverts to remedy draining issues as snowmelts. If you experience large amounts of run off, we appreciate your patience as Public Works makes their way through the community. This is normal in the spring as temperatures dip below freezing overnight, and they may have to thaw culverts multiple times throughout a week.

Property owners are responsible for the following:
Directing drainage to town road or laneway without impacting their neighbours.
All eaves troughs and downspouts shall:
1. Be watertight and maintained in good repair;
2. Be equipped with extensions to carry runoff to the town drainage system;
3. Be directed to the front or the rear of the property and shall not be directed to neighboring premises.
All properties shall be graded and drained so as to prevent the following:
1. Excessive ponding of storm water and subsurface water;
2. Excessive amounts of moisture accumulating near a building or structure;
3. Any accumulation of moisture that may adversely affect any neighboring premises.
No person shall permit storm water drainage or foundation drainage from a building on the premises to be discharged:
1. To a location where the water has the potential to adversely impact:
i. The stability of a slope;
ii. A ravine;
iii. A portion of the ground surface where there exists a risk of instability.
2. To a location or in such a manner that the discharge causes or has the potential to cause impairment of or damage to:
i. The town infrastructure including the drainage system;
ii. Human health or safety;
iii. Properties;
iv. The environment
3. Directly onto a pervious ground surface.
No person shall, without authorization:
1. Obstruct, restrict, tamper with or damage the town infrastructure including the drainage system;
2. Alter, remove or change, either temporarily or permanently, any part of the Town infrastructure including the drainage system.
The owner of a parcel shall comply with the terms and conditions of any easement, utility right-of-way, caveat, restrictive covenant, or any other document that has been registered on the title of the parcel to protect the town drainage system, with any and all components.
For more information on drainage please see Bylaw No. 09/2015 DRAINAGE