Tree Trimming

Tree trimming is a year-round job, with constant trimming. Tree concerns and requests are addressed on both a priority and scheduling basis. The Public Works crew maintains all municipal owned trees along public right-of-ways.
Become familiar with our tree bylaw here TREES
ELM TREE PRUNING: Pruning, or removing dead and undesirable growth, can help ensure that an elm tree enjoys a long, healthy life. Pruning at the incorrect times can cause injury to an Elm tree and can even make the tree more susceptible to Dutch Elm disease, which is a devastating fungal disease that elm bark beetles spread.
Please be aware of Elm tree pruning. It is crucial to prune an elm tree at very specific times of the year. Open wounds attract the elm bark beetle, so be sure to avoid pruning between April and August. Elm Tree Pruning Can Begin In September.
The Town will remove diseased trees on Town property only.
For more information contact Ministry of Environment at 1-800-567-4224 or or the Saskatchewan Government website: