Water Treatment Plant

The Water Treatment Plant is owned and operated by the Town of Regina Beach. Water Security Agency oversees the water plant and sets the regulations.
The Town's water is supplied by water wells south of town. Water quality is tested daily in house and once per week at the Provincial Lab.
The Water Security Agency and Ministry of Environment requires that at least once each year waterworks owners provide notification to consumers of the quality of water produced and supplied as well as information on the performance of the waterworks in submitting samples as required by a Minister's Order or Permit to Operate a waterworks.
For a summary of the Town of Regina Beach Water Quality and Sample Submission Compliance record for the 2019 time period click here.
Municipal Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Guidelines
Water Supply Tap
During water disruptions, water will be made available for affected property owners/residents ONLY for the duration of the water disruption. An external self-shutting tap has been installed at the Town of Regina Beach water treatment plant on the east wall as detailed below. To operate, one need only pull on the handle and the water will flow from the tap. Once the handle is released, the tap will automatically close.
Please contact the Town of Regina Beach office at 306-729-2202 if there are any issues/problems with operating the tap.